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Sheffield Music Academy Friends

Launched by a group of like-minded parents and guardians, the Friends of the Sheffield Music Academy exists to support and help the ongoing mission of SMA.


The Friends organise three socials a year including a BBQ and annual Ceilidh, organise a Saturday tuckshop and concert refreshments to raise funds for the students and have fun!  


The group is open to any parent, guardian, carer or friend who wants to get involved and help out.  They are always happy to welcome new members. If you wish to join, please get in touch with the Friends at

Chair: Jayne Hindle


Deputy Chair: Tony Doyle


Treasurer: Julia Wilks


Secretary: Catherine Draper


Tuck Shop Co-ordinator: Rachael Charles

Since their inception, the Friends have raised enough money to purchase various instruments and equipment for the students through the tuck shop and organised events that encourage socialising between students, families and staff.


Currently, the Friends are fundraising for a new grand piano for the Academy.


The Friends are continuing their efforts and would love to hear any ideas you may have for future events and funding schemes.


All money raised by the Friends is to be used to support the learning of students of the Sheffield Music Academy.


  • Parents can sing too!


All parents are invited to take part in Senior Choir at Sheffield Music Academy.

It doesn’t matter how much or little previous experience of singing you have – everyone is welcome to join in.

The choir is always especially eager to welcome some new tenors and basses!

The choir takes place on Saturdays at 8.30.


  • Tuck Shop


The tuck shop forms an important part of our fundraising as well as supplying staff and students with a much-appreciated boost of caffeine and sugar!


Contact Us

Office Hours


Photo Samantha Avila Ricci and Matthew Stroud.

T: (0114) 258 2804


M: 07704 579310



​Tuesdays 9:30am-4pm


Thursday 9:30am-4pm


Friday 9:30am-5pm


Saturday (term time) 8am-5pm



Sheffield Music Academy 

Office 9, Shirley House

31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield S11 8YL

Birkdale Senior School,

Caxton Road


S10 3DE

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Sheffield Music Academy is registered in England as 'Sheffield Music Academy', a Company limited by guarantee no. 07667445 and is a registered charity no. 1143420.

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